Star Fucking Hipsters
I saw Star Fucking Hipsters (listen to their CD free) last night at Supreme Trading. Stza seemed alert, or just normal, in the beginning and for the first few songs. They paused for about 5 minutes between songs due to technical problems I think. The audience seemed calm and nice. After a few songs Stza seemed "extremely wasted." I don't really remember him drinking alcohol that much. The other band members seemed alert. After about 5 songs Stza was lying on the stage on his back. At one point he stood and swung his guitar holding the neck at the audience. People seemed afraid yet appreciative. Some people didn't seem afraid at all. I was standing like 25 feet away and I thought the guitar would hit me in the face for some reason. For the last 6-7 songs he talked a lot between songs but could not be understood at all. He sat on the stage "bemoaning" that he was "wasted" at one point using his guitar for leverage for his upper body. At the end they played 3 Choking Victim songs, Stza played guitar and sang while "extremely wasted," it was "nearly incomprehensible." It was just Stza, "Frank," and the drummer for the Choking Victim songs which were "Money," "500 Channels," and "Infested." The sound person was in his 60's I think and he seemed "fatherly," I thought, toward Stza (I thought this just by looking at his face sometimes, he stayed in the sound part the entire time looking concerned or something). I have seen Leftover Crack or Choking Victim 8-12 times and have not seen Stza "wasted" to this degree. I thought back to previous concerts where political things were said by Stza and felt emotional in a good way, I think, thinking overall about life, a person's life.