Monday, August 25, 2008


Rafter is good. I like Zzzzpenchant the best. I can listen to it when I'm writing without getting distracted or bored, but it's also good to listen to all by itself.

If Rafter's music was not music it would be carmelized walnuts. Or maybe those little debbie oatmeal pies that came wrapped in plastic but you never got in your lunch bag.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

If Crispin Glover in Rivers Edge was a song he would be...

Here's Crispin Glover in River's Edge:

And here is more...

...equals this:

Also, is you've seen River's Edge, you might be suprised by what Siskel & Ebert thought of it:


Friday, June 27, 2008

a = b


Equals this=

(Especially if you changed the little boys to seuxally frustrated teenage lesbians.)

I love cross media comparisons.
I would like to write a book that would be compared to a dozen drunk ballerinas trying to preform swan lake on a subway train in the middle of the night.
